
Cereus sp.

Tafel 3


Tafel 3 im Werk The History of Succulent Plants von Richard Bradley.

Hylocereus triangularis (Linneaus) Britton & Rose 1909

  • Cereus Americanus Triangularis radicosa
  • Three rib'd Thorch Thistle
Beschreibung im Werk (engl.)

This Plant is found growing in stony Places, striking Root as it runs on the Ground, and increasing plentifully. The Leaves (if we may so call them) are three corner'd, of Grassgreen Colour, set with Knots of small yellowish Spines on the Edges. I have seen one of these Leaves near three Foot in length, with above forty Roots springing out from the sides of it; but, as yet, it has produc'd no Flower with us, notwithstanding there are some Extraordinary large Plants of this Sort in the Royal Gardens at Hampton-Court, which strike root in the Walls of the Conservatory, and are near sixteen foot heigh.

This Plant requires little Water, and a very dry warm Air, for which Reason it is always kept within Doors.
